25 July 2013 by Jennifer
Lineup and other details for the Cooperative Community Stage at Nottinghamshire Pride 2013.
Notts Pride runs from 12 till 6 this Saturday, 27 July, at the Arboretum. This stage will be near the “tunnel”, by the eastern entrances to the Arboretum, where the marchers will come into the park around 12. We will have British Sign Language interpretation (which, as far as I know, the rest of Pride won’t).
Further down this page is a link to a graphic of our programme page, followed by a text version of what’s written on it.
Maps: Location of stage
We are told there will be a wheelchair-accessible portable toilet behind the stage, mainly for performers and organisers but also for anyone who can’t easily walk to the other nearest toilets about 20 yards away.
Pride is asking for donations this year – I’m guessing there will probably be some bucket-shaking people at the gates.
Parade info is available from main Pride site.
Click the picture for a bigger version of the programme page…
Note that Leigh & Natasher’s “Friday Night Out playing rainbow-flavoured tunes” set at the end was a late addition. The printed programme may have a slightly earlier version of the artwork, which doesn’t mention that. This version is the most up-to-date.
Here’s the programme text…
Cooperative Community Stage
Near the “tunnel”, by the eastern entrances to the Arboretum.
We aim to create a welcoming, accessible, family-friendly space, where the diversity of the community is reflected on the stage.
Hosted by Natasher & Leigh from Trent Sound’s Friday Night Out, El Dia, and Sue Warren.
British Sign Language translation by Lian Duan & Claire Smith.
Single Bass – original songs + bass guitar
El Dia – femmenist hip-hop & spoken word
Zion – Sue Warren sings reggae
Nottingham Dance Complex – street dance
Welcome – from the Community Stage team
“All of us” – spoken word
George Hadden – trans man sings about transition
Unbeatable Energy – drumming
Nottingham Dance Complex – street dance
El Dia – femmenist hip-hop & spoken word
Maryam Bibi Din – “LGBT Muslims. Yes, we exist.”
Sally Outen – queer trans feminist comedy
Nottingham Dance Complex – street dance
Single Bass – original songs + bass guitar
Jacqueline Applebee – “Let me tell you a little story.”
Zion – Sue Warren sings reggae
Nottingham Dance Complex + Unbeatable Energy
Emily Franklin – soulful singer/songwriter
Kashif Nadim Chaudry – interview with artist
Lesley Kershaw – comedy – “Butch meets the menopause”
Tramadolls – 3-piece band
Tramadolls (continued)
Friday Night Out – Leigh, Natasher & rainbow-flavoured tunes
6pm Stage closes down. Hope you enjoyed it!
Plus more short contributions and info about local groups…
Visual art by Kashif Nadim Chaudry.
Any updates to listings will be displayed near stage.
Thanks to the Co-operative group for funding the stage & PA & bringing the drummers and dancers.
Thanks to TrentSound.com for sponsoring our performers’ travel expenses, enabling us to present a more diverse line-up of the “rainbow family”.
Thanks to all our performers, speakers and signers, to the Pride Committee, and to everyone else who helped to put this together!
From Jennifer, Angela, Kat, Maryam, Becky, Natasher & Leigh (organising team for this stage)
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