13 February 2024 by Jennifer
Comments on Ryan Barrett’s plan to create a “bridge” between the Fediverse and Bluesky, with reference to defaults, consent & moderation.
Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books.
13 February 2024 by Jennifer
Comments on Ryan Barrett’s plan to create a “bridge” between the Fediverse and Bluesky, with reference to defaults, consent & moderation.
31 December 2021 by Jennifer
Explanation of an ingenious thing: how you can use a CO2 monitor to check the air-freshness in a room, to guide your covid risk reduction.
20 July 2020 by Jennifer
What do we know about covid numbers? And how do we know? Key points, plus explanations in common-sense terms. (Most examples from England or UK.)
25 April 2016 by Jennifer
Brief note on blog updating in progress, and the possibility that the changeover may cause oddities for a while.
11 May 2010 by Jennifer
Ubuntu Hardy Heron, low-disc-space mystery solved: Hidden directory “.Trash-0”, untouched by “Empty deleted items”.
30 April 2009 by Jennifer
A description of how I used the Remind program to give me some useful pop-up reminders on my PC. Probably only of interest if you might want to run the same program yourself.