31 December 2010 by Jennifer
A book recommendation and some related thoughts…
Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books.
31 December 2010 by Jennifer
A book recommendation and some related thoughts…
25 June 2010 by Jennifer
Fake politician more true than some of the real ones. Not a facet of our culture to be happy about, but funny in its accuracy. Laughed out loud and thought I must share! From WKUK. Tip of the hat to Pete Darby for the link.
2 April 2010 by Jennifer
Lots of people are ready to give you advice. But only some of it will be any use – because they’re not you.
Includes a link to a lovely article of Havi’s, and four book recommendations.
27 January 2010 by Jennifer
Some good writing by other people: Allie’s article on the Ticky Boxy world, Dani’s presentation on Government lies, Rosemary’s submission to the Bill Committee and a Times commentary on the Govt’s mistrustfulness.
1 January 2010 by Jennifer
… including recommendations of Nancy Kline’s book Time to Think and Havi Brooks’ blog The Fluent Self.
31 December 2009 by Jennifer
On the last day of the year, a slightly retrospective flavour exploring one theme of my year.
22 December 2009 by Jennifer
There’s loads of wonderful free educational videos available on the net these days. Here are some of the best I know.
19 June 2009 by Jennifer
Miscellaneous stuff from around the web which I thought was worth passing on, including some news about home-based education in England.
29 March 2009 by Jennifer
My favourite videos and transcripts so far from the Convention on Modern Liberty, inc Philip Pullman speaking on the virtues that sustain a living and waking nation.
1 October 2008 by Jennifer
News of a hate crime in the US, plus a recommendation of Aaminah Hernandez’ blog Writeous Sister Speaks.