5 January 2017 by Jennifer
Seven steps for building a new habit of more movement/exercise – or indeed a different new habit. All-size-friendly.
Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books.
5 January 2017 by Jennifer
Seven steps for building a new habit of more movement/exercise – or indeed a different new habit. All-size-friendly.
1 March 2013 by Jennifer
A useful list of apple varieties! And similar notes on veg, and a little bit of philosophical musing from me.
6 June 2009 by Jennifer
More thoughts about remembering or losing information, this time from an activism angle.
30 April 2009 by Jennifer
A description of how I used the Remind program to give me some useful pop-up reminders on my PC. Probably only of interest if you might want to run the same program yourself.
3 April 2009 by Jennifer
Some thoughts on saving, retrieving, handing on or losing information. Ratchets, branches, channels, dead ends etc.