1 January 2024 by Jennifer
A mix of things and thoughts, for the coming year.
Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books.
Articles which have some element of describing myself or where I’m at.
1 January 2024 by Jennifer
A mix of things and thoughts, for the coming year.
12 November 2020 by Jennifer
Change, systems, racism, ethics, and other personal/political musings. Plus news of a BiCon anti-racism review.
15 June 2019 by Jennifer
How the idea of “privilege” can be thought of in terms of non-random patterns of luck, and what that looks like in practice.
29 January 2018 by Jennifer
On changes you have to work at, versus changes that “just happen”.
1 March 2013 by Jennifer
A useful list of apple varieties! And similar notes on veg, and a little bit of philosophical musing from me.
31 December 2010 by Jennifer
A book recommendation and some related thoughts…
15 May 2010 by Jennifer
A follow-up to my previous post about Big Bi Fun Day, and a response to Ian’s comment there.
29 January 2010 by Jennifer
Following on from the metaphor of “gearing up”, here are some “example gears”, and some more things I thought about it as I experimented.
14 January 2010 by Jennifer
One for the “What am I like?” category: some thoughts from when I did Roger Hamilton’s “Wealth Dynamics” profile quiz.
7 January 2010 by Jennifer
Sometimes it’s not a bad idea to “do the easy things first” – because sometimes once you’re “on a roll”, the hard things don’t seem so hard.
20 October 2009 by Jennifer
Clare M’s consultation response as a sort of guest post, plus a bit of commentary by me, and links to a few other responses.
16 July 2008 by Jennifer
This is a kind of “where I’m coming from now myself” with regard to BiCon, to fill in some missing context around my recent (and possible future) writings about it and related subjects.