2 June 2021 by Jennifer
This post is especially aimed at people who run a bi group/ event/ resource in the UK – but anyone else is welcome to read it too :-)
From Jennifer, Libby & John, Bi Funding Research team
and Laura, Michael, Lizzie & Tash, Bi Health Research team
We are two teams currently being paid by the LGBT Consortium for short research projects to benefit UK bi communities – one about health, one about funding.
Both teams are doing surveys and events in June 2021.
Here’s how you can help!
- Please share the short “Where do we hang out?” survey via your networks.
- Please share the short “Bi Health Research” survey via your networks.
Each of those is for anyone “under the bi umbrella”, and should take about 5 minutes – maybe 10 if people write extra.
- Bi organisers, please fill in the “Bi groups and money” survey! This can take around 5 to 15 minutes, or more if you go into more detail. As part of it, you can tick to express interest in two real-time discussions about bi projects and money (inc not having any :-) ) [Edited to add: the discussion for groups without bank accounts is likely to be afternoon of Sunday 13 June. You might want to pencil in that date if you’re interested.]
- Bi organisers, if you’re interested in a virtual roundtable about health, please email laura@consortium.lgbt. This will be for workers and volunteers at bi organisations and groups, on Tuesday 22nd June, 1pm-3pm. It will be a space to share with the team the most frequent health and wellbeing concerns that you encounter from within the bi community.
- If you’re interested in any of this research in general, you’re welcome to eavesdrop or join in on our online chat, where both teams are available to answer questions. (You can participate without needing to set up an account.) If you’d like an invite to that, please email us.
Thanks and hope to see you soon!